Singapore Air Force PC-21 Draws X-Rated Flight Path

Singapore Air Force PC-21 Draws X-Rated Flight Path

Last week on Thursday, September 28, a Singapore Air Force Pilatus PC-21 aircraft drew an X-rated flight path over western Australia.

This article will cover the details surrounding the comical flight path during a training flight over western Australia.

Singapore Air Force PC-21 – Australian X-Rated Flight Path

Singapore Air Force PC-21 Draws X-Rated Flight Path
Data Credit: RadarBox

As per data from RadarBox, a Republic of Singapore Air Force Pilatus PC-21 training aircraft was carrying out a training flight out of RAAF Base Pearce during the afternoon of September 28, when the flight path on RadarBox showed the aircraft drawing an X-rated symbol during its flight.

The aircraft in question was registered as 9107 and is part of the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s Squadron No 130 training fleet that is based out of RAAF Base Pearce.

The aircraft departed RAAF Base Pearce at approximately 12:25 p.m. and returned after a one-hour training flight at approximately 13:25 p.m. using the callsign TANG839.

Following a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) back in 1993 with the Australian Government, the Republic of Singapore Air Force was given the ability to use RAAF Base Pearce for its pilot training program. This is primarily due to the city of Singapore having limited space for these sorts of flights to be carried out.

The RSAF operates a total of 19 Pilatus PC-21 training aircraft, however, also has a fleet of 12 Alenia M-346s and five Eurocopter EC120s that all form part of their training fleet for a total of 36 trainer aircraft.

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