A TUI scheduled flight operating from Châteauroux to Dubai has initiated a turnaround whilst outbound over French airspace and is returning to the departure airport.
TUI flight 6Y9107, and Airbus A320 from Châteauroux (CHR) to Dubai Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC), was outbound in French airspace near Lyon when it initiated the turnaround and made good a return track for CHR.
TUI 6Y9107 Châteauroux – Dubai

Flight data shows 6Y9107 squawked transponder code 7700 for a few minutes as it passed the Lyon region. The flight has since reverted to a ‘normal squawk’ but has continued a descent and is maintaining a track for CHR.

The flight departed Châteauroux-Centre “Marcel Dassault” Airport (CHR) this morning at 10:55 CEST, before climbing on the outbound track for Dubai. It passed through FL200 (20,000 feet) before terminating the climb, and made a turnaround and a subsequent descent to FL130.
Return to Châteauroux (CHR)
The flight declared a general emergency with transponder code 7700 at approximately 12:30 CEST (10:30 UTC), at 13,000 feet. The aircraft subsequently reverted to a normal squawk code a couple of minutes later, making a precautionary return to the destination.
The nature of the problem is not known at this time.

The aircraft conducting today’s 6Y9107 rotation is an Airbus A320-200 registered ES-SAY; a 17-year old narrowbody aircraft belonging to the carrier TUI.

Update 11:20 UTC
TUI flight 6Y9107 now landed and clear RWY03 CHR. The nature of the problem warranting the precautionary return this morning is not yet known.

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