Ryanair Flight Returns to Dublin Due to Door Issue

Ryanair Flight Returns to Dublin Due to Cargo Door Open Alert

In the last few moments, a Ryanair flight bound for Amsterdam had to return to Dublin amid reports that the pilots had an alert of an open cargo door.

Incident: Ryanair Flight Returns to Dublin Due to Cargo Door Open Alert…

Ryanair Flight Returns to Dublin Due to Cargo Door Open Alert
Data provided by RadarBox.com.

Ryanair flight FR3102 is a routine scheduled flight between Dublin and Amsterdam, with the affected rotation being operated by EI-DLC.

As per data from Planespotters.net, EI-DLC is a 17.9 year old Boeing 737-8AS that was delivered to the carrier back in January 2006 under the Irish register.

Of the 737-800 variant, the Irish subsidiary of the carrier has 222 in the fleet, of which 210 are in active service and 12 are currently parked.

Ryanair flight FR3102 departed Dublin at 1845 local time, and proceeded to head eastbound in the direction of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.


As per @Shauns_Aviation on X, it is understood that the pilots were alerted to a message stating that the cargo door was open.

Because of this, the aircraft then entered a series of holds before being able to land into Dublin safely, not long after departure.

It is unclear when the flight will continue on to Amsterdam, with the aircraft still being on the ground at the time of writing (19/11/23 @ 1930 UK time).

After inspection of the aircraft, it was shown that the cargo door wasn’t actually in fact open, indicating that it could have been a faulty sensor on the door. EI-DLC will be grounded as a result of this.

Photo Credit: Anonymous Source.

UPDATE #1 @ 0943 UK time (20/11/23) – It looks like it wasn’t a cargo door issue in the end onboard the Ryanair flight, but rather one of the passenger doors instead.

A passenger has approached AviationSource on condition of anonymity, with boarding passes verified to confirm the validity of this.

In an email to us, they said the following:

“I was on that flight, and the crew did not close the front passenger door correctly. The cabin pressure was off and the noise was very loud. Crew said that pilot said that the gap ‘was ok’.”

“After take-off we maintained low altitude and crew was seem to be stressed. Also the person sitting next to the door was not able to change seats, as the person unclipping the buckle and the door failing might have resulted in casualties. Also note the gap between the door and the plane in this picture”.

“We changed planes after arriving in Dublin Airport again. The crew tried to close the door after arrival, but then it was not able to lock and would reopen automatically after closing.”

“Our next plane had no flight plan and Ryanair said, after a few attempts to take-off, that Schiphol was closed due to noiselimits.”

“Sounds weird considering it was 9:15 Dublin time, so we would have arrived around 11:30 Dutch time. Our flight was cancelled and we received new tickets for a flight today.”

“I will again be on flight FR3102 today, so hopefully for us more luck.”

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