A Hawaiian Airlines Airbus A330, operating HA5 from Las Vegas to Honolulu suffered a lightning strike moments after departure.
Hawaiian Flight from Las Vegas Suffers Lightning Strike…

Hawaiian Airlines flight HA5 departed Las Vegas at 1825 local time on October 1, when they stopped their climb at 15,500 feet amidst reports of a lightning strike, as per The Aviation Herald.
From there, the Airbus A330 made a u-turn back to the airport, where they made a safe return around 20 minutes after initial departure.
It is understood that the aircraft has been grounded since, with some rotations of that flight being cancelled thus far.
The A330 in question which operated that flight from Las Vegas to Honolulu was N393HA, a 10.3 year old Airbus A330-200 that was delivered to Hawaiian Airlines back in June 2013, as per data from Planespotters.net.
In the airline, they have 24 of the -200 variant, as well as one -300 variant. Of the 25 total A330 Family aircraft in the fleet, 24 are in active service, and one is parked currently, presumably being N393HA after this incident.
It is unclear when the aircraft will depart Las Vegas again, as at the time of writing (04/10/23 @ 1430 UK time), it is still on the ground pending checks and any repairs that need to take place.
AviationSource will approach Hawaiian Airlines for a comment on this particular incident, as well as to find out when the aircraft will be back in the air again.

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