Spirit Airlines flight Houston to Cancun declares emergency

Spirit Airlines flight NK1001 from Houston (IAH) has declared an emergency, squawking 7700 as it approached the destination of Cancun (CUN).

A Spirit Airlines flight from Houston to Cancun has declared an emergency approaching the destination in the last few moments.

Spirit Airlines flight NK1001, an Airbus A320 operating from Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) to Cancun International Airport (CUN), Mexico declared an emergency with squawk code 7700 whilst approaching Cancun.

Spirit Airlines NK1001 Houston – Cancun

Flight track of Spirit Airlines flight NK1001 from Houston to Cancun.

The flight declared a general emergency as it was making its descent for Cancun International Airport, just off the coast. The nature of the problem is not yet known, and the aircraft has continued its approach.

Flight track of Spirit Airlines flight NK1001 from Houston to Cancun.

Weather for flight NK1001’s arrival into CUN today is Marginal VFR (MVFR) with a cloud ceiling of 1,500 feet and visibility of 7 miles.

The aircraft has now made a landing from a straight-in approach to RWY12, landing at 08:58 EST.

Weather data for Cancun Airport.

Available data shows that the scheduled flight made an on-time departure out of IAH today at 06:00 CST; proceeding normally on the south-easterly track to CUN, at cruising level FL370 (37,000 feet).

The aircraft operating today’s NK1001 rotation was an Airbus A320-271N, registered N931NK; a 3-year old narrowbody aircraft belonging to the US carrier Spirit Airlines.

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