In the last few hours, Ural Airlines has confirmed that it’s Airbus A320 that is stuck on a farm in Novosibirsk will depart from that very farm land.
As per @aviationbrk on Twitter, the airline has confirmed this will happen following this emergency landing that happened last month.
Without further ado, let’s get into it…
Ural Airlines Confirms A320 Farm Departure…

In a statement, Ural Airlines said the following regarding a possible farm departure from the Siberia area:
“[We are considering] several options for taking off the aircraft from the field”.
“[We are awaiting delivery of lifts to] carry out landing gear testing, testing of components and additional studies of the aircraft design”.
“The plan also includes dismantling the seats to make the aircraft lighter,”
“Following baroscopic examination of the engines, its engineering team has determined the powerplants will not require refurbishment.”

At this time, it is unclear what the date of this departure will be, but Ural Airlines seems confident that they will be able to get the aircraft in the air.

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Recap of the Incident in Novosibirsk…
Ural Airlines flight U61383, an Airbus A320-200, was operating the flight from Sochi International Airport (AER) on the coast of the Black Sea to Omsk Tsentralny Airport (OMS).
Footage posted by Russian news agencies shows the Airbus A320 in a field in landing configuration with landing gear down and emergency escape slides deployed.
According to the Russian Tass news agency, the aircraft had sounded an alarm to a hydraulic systems failure; however further details of the emergency landing has not yet been formally released.
There are no reports of any injuries sustained in the off-airport landing.
Flight data for U61383 shows that the aircraft appeared to have made a baulked approach to Omsk (OMS); descending to 2,000 feet on the initial approach before climbing to 18,000 feet and tracking to the east in the Novosibirsk region.

The aircraft involved in this incident was an Airbus A320-200, registered RA-73805; a 19-year old narrowbody aircraft belong to the carrier Ural Airlines, which was involved in the incident in Novosibirsk.
This remains a developing story. Updates will be applied in due course.

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