The preliminary accident report has been released on the DHL Boeing 767-300 that suffered a hard landing in Beirut back in September.
For those that remember, the hard landing resulted in significant damage to the aircraft’s fuselage.
Without further ado, let’s get into it…
Report Released on DHL Boeing 767-300 Hard Landing in Beirut…

The Lebanon Ministry of Public Transport and Works released the report on the DHL Boeing 767-300 hard landing in Beirut on November 8, with the findings saying the following:
“On 18 September 2023 a DHL Cargo scheduled flight from Bahrain International Airport (OBBI) to Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport (OLBA) carried out a stabilized approach on runway 16 at destination and landed at 1609 UTC (1909 LT). The landing was a “hard landing””.
“The aircraft taxied to its parking position. Maintenance detected serious structural damages grounding the aircraft as AOG (Aircraft On Ground).”
“During the interview with the Flight Crew, the captain (PM) recalled that the aircraft “lurched up” and the nose wheel then slammed back down onto the runway, describing it as “horrendous” and that his headset and prescription glasses flew from his head.”
“The F/O (PF) recalled that “the aircraft pitched up violently”, describing the column as “acting aggressively” and further stated that the whole episode happened too fast and that he was unable to take control of the control column as it moved away from him.”
You can read the full preliminary report on The Aviation Herald website. What remains clear is that this was a serious accident and that all eyes will be on the full report, which has an unconfirmed time of release at this point.

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