It has emerged today that following the government push to cut slot numbers at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, JetBlue has become a victim of that.
This will no doubt cause significant anger with the American carrier, a vocal critic of the government’s actions towards cutting flights.
Without further ado, let’s get into it…
JetBlue Amsterdam Schiphol Slots Cut For Summer 2024…

As per BNN Bloomberg, airlines with historical rights to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport will have to reduce their slots by 3.1%, with the first load of slot cuts expected to happen next year.
It hasn’t just affected JetBlue, however. The KLM Group has been asked to reduce its historical allocation by a staggering 5,700 slots, with their partner Delta Air Lines told to cut 252.
KLM expressed disappointment over this decision and they have said that they will be appealing these actions in the courts as a result.
This, however, in the case of JetBlue could have potential consequences for KLM moving forward, particularly from New York.
Could A KLM Ban from New York Now Be On The Cards?

A few weeks ago, JetBlue called on the U.S Department of Transport to ban KLM from operating flights into New York if they cannot operate such flights.
The flight cap has been controversial not just in the airline space, but also on the political front closer to home in the Dutch capital.
The U.S carrier believes that it could lose slots at the Dutch airport if the proposal for flight reductions goes ahead, calling it “proportionate” retaliation if it does go ahead and the U.S government opts for this move.
In response, they are expecting the government body to remove KLM’s ability from operating into New York’s JFK as a result.
All eyes will be on how this situation develops, because should JetBlue choose to go all the way because of these cuts in Amsterdam Schiphol, then it could hurt KLM further through the multiple daily flights on offer by the Dutch carrier.
This will no doubt remain a developing story for quite some time, and it will be interesting to see what the next steps will be.

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