Aergo Capital Buys Two Airbus A380 Aircraft from Investec

Aergo Capital Purchases Two Airbus A380s from Investec

Earlier this week, Aergo Capital announced that it has purchased two Airbus A380 aircraft from Investec, bringing their total portfolio to 12 units of the type.

It is understood that both aircraft purchased have long-term leases attached to them, with no indication of the customer currently.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Aergo Capital Buys Two Airbus A380 Aircraft from Investec…

Aergo Capital Purchases Two Airbus A380s from Investec
Photo Credit: Airbus.


Commenting on this acquisition of two Airbus A380 aircraft was Fred Browne, the CEO of Aergo:

“We are thrilled to acquire a further two A380 (s) with leases attached from Investec.”

“We would like to extend our gratitude to the Investec team for their continued professionalism and collaboration throughout the entire process”

“We are excited to grow our portfolio and look forward to strengthening our relationship with Investec even further.”

Adding to this was Clayton Woollgar of Investec:

“We would like to congratulate Aergo on the acquisition of these two aircraft, which marks another valuable milestone in our longstanding relationship.”

“We are proud to continue building on this relationship and look forward to future opportunities to work with their team.”

With 12 A380s in its portfolio now, Aergo is slowly but surely building up its network of customers within this.

Of course, we don’t know who the operator of these two A380s are, but as per, here is a potential list of active operators who have the aircraft type on lease:

  • Emirates
  • British Airways
  • Asiana Airlines

Looking ahead, all eyes will be on Aergo to see if they will acquire anymore leases pertinent to the Airbus A380.

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